Newsweek features PRA Op-Ed on how America can avoid health care sticker shock

As health care costs continue to be a bipartisan issue, with nearly 90 percent of Americans supporting health care price transparency, Cynthia Fisher, PRA founder and chair, penned an op-ed explaining why Congress needs to codify the 2021 price transparency law.

In her op-ed, Fisher wrote:

“Congress can add teeth to these rules by codifying them into law as part of their latest reconciliation effort and adding robust enforcement mechanisms. Doing so will bolster compliance and make it easier for tech innovators to aggregate prices in consumer-friendly web applications similar to Kayak and Expedia. Ultimately, it will be up to all of us as health care consumers to exercise our right to real prices by demanding them as a condition of care.

When real prices are easily accessible throughout the health care system, patients can enjoy peace of mind that care won't result in financial ruin, reducing the number delaying treatment and expanding access. Consumer choice and ensuing competition will reverse runaway care and coverage costs through market forces rather than more government subsidies that become antiquated before they can ossify.”

Click here to read the full version of Cynthia’s op-ed.


New Report Shows Only 16% of Hospitals Complying with Hospital Price Transparency Rule


New York Times highlights how the lack of hospital price transparency affects patients financially