New York Times highlights how the lack of hospital price transparency affects patients financially

An opinion video by Martin Schoeller, a world-renowned photographer, titled “How much does your MRI cost? Buy it to find out,” was published by the New York Times. Through candid testimonials from a wide range of patients, Martin highlights how hospitals financially harm patients by sidestepping price transparency rules to enrich their bottom lines.

Founder and Chairman of PRA, Cynthia Fisher, offered the following statement in response to the New York Times video:

“Martin’s art shows the hardship of financial ruin that so many Americans face when hit with outrageous medical bills they can’t afford and have no opportunity to plan for. The silver lining is there are already rules in place obligating both hospitals and insurance companies to post their real prices online so Americans can choose the best care at the best price and have protection from being overcharged. If properly enforced, systemwide Healthcare Price Transparency will usher in competition, drive down costs, and put healthcare consumers in control. Pieces like Martin’s help educate the public of their right to know prices and hold government officials accountable to actually enforce these rules so we can finally see the benefits of transparency in healthcare.”

View the full video here.


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