PatientRightsAdvocate.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization focused on ushering in systemwide healthcare price transparency. Through advocacy, testimony, media, legal research, and grassroots campaigns, our organization seeks actual, upfront healthcare prices that will greatly lower costs through a functional, competitive healthcare marketplace.
Arming healthcare consumers – patients, employees, employers, unions, and state and local governments – with real prices will enable them to shop for the best quality of care at the lowest possible price and substantially reduce their costs of care and coverage. Binding prices will give consumers financial peace of mind that their final bill will match the quoted price and immediate recourse if they do not match. Straight-up prices will hold hospitals and health insurers accountable for widespread price gouging, upcharging, and billing fraud that financially devastates millions of Americans.
By fighting for systemwide price transparency, PatientRightsAdvocate.org also seeks to improve healthcare quality. Complete, binding prices (not estimates) will unleash a pro-consumer market where prices, quality, outcomes, and standards of care are known upfront. Price-empowered consumers will cause providers and insurers to compete by lowering prices and improving quality, revolutionizing the broken American healthcare system.
We seek to strengthen existing price transparency law, ensure forthcoming price transparency rules are implemented and enforced timely, inform consumers of their right to real prices, and call on patients and employers to step up and exercise this right by demanding actual prices before care.
Ilaria Santangelo /Director of Research
Ilaria is a graduate of Trinity College with a BS in Biology and a BA in English.