7th Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Compliance Report
NEW Report finds only 21.1% of hospitals reviewed are fully compliant with the federal Price Transparency Rule.
State by State Hospital Compliance
Updated as of November 2024
Previous Reports
6th Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Compliance Report
Report finds only 34.5% of hospitals reviewed are fully compliant with the federal Price Transparency Rule.
Fifth Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Report
Report finds only 36% of hospitals reviewed are fully compliant with the Federal Price Transparency Rule.
Price Variation Report
PRA analyzed 100 hospital files in a sample set of 10 states and found that patients are being charged drastically different prices for the same care within the same hospitals and across hospitals in the same states.
Healthcare Price Transparency and Competition Report
PatientRightsAdvocate.org (PRA) published a report co-authored by Founder and Chairman Cynthia Fisher and economist Dr. Arthur Laffer that concludes healthcare price transparency can reduce national healthcare spending by more than $1 trillion annually and extend American life expectancy.
Summer 2023 Transparency in Coverage Report
PatientRightsAdvocate.org cross-referenced a sample of pricing data provided by hospitals with the pricing data provided by insurance companies. The prices revealed in the insurer files demonstrate that several prominent hospitals are omitting prices from their required price disclosures, in apparent violation of the federal hospital price transparency rule.
Fourth Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Report
The federal Hospital Price Transparency Rule1 was implemented on January 1, 2021, requiring hospitals to post all prices online, easily accessible and searchable, in the form of (1) a single machine-readable standard charges file for all items and services for all payers and all plans as well as all discounted cash prices, and (2) a standard charges display with actual prices or a price estimator tool for the 300 most common shoppable services.
October 2022 Transparency in Coverage Report
Prices revealed in newly released health insurance company data files show some major American hospitals are omitting prices from their required price disclosures in violation of the federal hospital price transparency rule.
Third Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Report
Under the authority of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a federal hospital price transparency rule1 took effect January 1, 2021, requiring hospitals to post all prices online, easily accessible and searchable without having to submit personal identifying information.
Second Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Compliance Report
Under the authority of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a federal hospital price transparency rule l took effect January l, 2021, requiring hospitals to post all prices online, easily accessible without barriers such as having to submit personal identifying information.
Semi-Annual Hospital Price Transparency Compliance Report
Under the authority of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a federal hospital price transparency rule 1 took effect January 1, 2021, requiring hospitals to post all prices online, easily accessible without barriers such as having to submit personal identifying information.