SocialSphere Poll Finds 82% of Americans Support Hospital Price Transparency Rule

A survey commissioned by and performed by John Della Volpe of SocialSphere examined attitudes toward various aspects of healthcare reform. The poll reinforced the importance of healthcare costs to American consumers and revealed a high level of support for government action to establish and enforce price transparency measures.  Specifically, the survey showed that:   

  • 85% of Americans believe that cutting costs and improving quality by making healthcare prices, quality metrics prices, quality metrics, and outcomes more transparent should be a priority for lawmakers.

  • 82% Americans support the federal government requiring hospitals to make their prices readily available to the public.

  • 77% support increasing the penalty for hospitals who do not comply from $300 per hospital per day fine to $300 per hospital bed per day. 

  • 56% of adults feel like they, or a close family member were overcharged when seeking medical care.

Read the full survey HERE.


New Detailed Report Shows only 5.6% of Hospitals Examined are Compliant with Hospital Price Transparency Rule


New York Patient’s Price Transparency Success Story