Tribute to Marshall Allen celebrates the life and legacy of Marshall Allen, a champion for healthcare transparency and an advocate for the voiceless. His work and mission align closely with our own, both striving to unveil the healthcare industry's opaque practices and arm consumers with the actual, upfront price information they need to avoid overcharges and access the best care at the best prices.

Marshall Allen's career as an investigative journalist was marked by a relentless pursuit to expose healthcare disparities and corrupt practices within the system.  He went where other journalists wouldn't go, bringing to light stories and events that empower patients to fight back against the egregious billing practices of hospitals and health insurers.

Marshall's work not only took on hospital finances and billing but also their quality and outcomes. One of Marshall's more notable contributions was the creation of the "Surgeon Scorecard," an innovative tool that for the first time provided patients with critical data on surgical outcomes.  This transparency tool profoundly improved the quality of care, embodying our shared belief that true data transparency can catalyze competition, enhance healthcare standards, drive down costs, and significantly improve patient outcomes.

His book, Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win, is just one of Marshall's lasting legacies. It will continue to serve as a crucial resource, equipping readers with the tools necessary to navigate and contest the convoluted billing practices of the healthcare industry. One reviewer said that "[b]y offering empowering and inspiring examples of regular folks leveling the playing field, this book teaches all of us how to stand up to the US health care establishment in the most time- and cost-effective manner possible." Marshall's writings not only expose systemic problems with the US healthcare system but also offer practical solutions, reflecting his proactive approach to advocacy and empowerment.

Marshall's influence extended to the founding of the Allen Health Academy, an initiative that empowers working Americans and employers to effectively lower their healthcare costs. Through the academy, he provided invaluable tools to contest overpriced medical bills, avoid unnecessary treatments, win insurance company appeals, and fight overcharges.

Marshall's life was a testament to his unwavering integrity and deeply held Christian values, which guided every aspect of his personal and professional life. With a passion fueled by his faith, Marshall pursued justice relentlessly.

We are profoundly grateful to Marshall's family, especially his wife Sonja and their sons Isaac, Ashton, and Cody, for their enduring support of his mission. Their sacrifices made it possible for him to pursue his calling with such vigor. His personal commitment to helping others was evident in every story he wrote and every life he influenced.

Marshall Allen's spirit—tenacious, kind, and always focused on the greater good—serves as a beacon for all of us at As we push forward in our efforts to advocate for a more transparent and just healthcare system, we draw continual inspiration from Marshall's example. His dedication to exposing the truth and empowering patients exemplifies the profound impact one person can have on the world. Marshall's work remains a guiding light, encouraging us to pursue justice with the same passion and perseverance he displayed throughout his remarkable life.


PRA Statement on Ohio Senate Passing H.B. 49 


STATEMENT: PRA Applauds Oklahoma for Enacting HB 4148