Colorado Legislation Protects Patients from Financial Ruin

Colorado is currently considering legislation to protect patients from financial ruin. HB 1285 forbids hospitals from sending consumers' bills to collections if they aren't complying with federal price transparency law. The legislation adheres to a fundamental moral principle: You shouldn't face bankruptcy for bills you never agreed to. It is sponsored by Republican and Democrat leadership.

PRA's latest hospital compliance report, which finds that only 14.3 percent of hospitals nationwide are following federal price transparency law, indicates that only one in 17 Colorado hospitals examined is complying. This bill can prevent noncompliant hospitals from blinding patients to prices then blindsiding them with massive bills they never would have agreed to long after care. It can end predatory hospital pricing in the state. 

Watch CBS Denver's coverage of the legislation HERE

PRA testified before Colorado's General Assembly in a committee hearing on this legislation, highlighting its importance for Colorado patients. The bill cleared the committee unanimously. 

PRA also penned an op-ed explaining why this legislation is needed now. Read it HERE

In addition to protecting patients from collections agents, lawsuits, and asset seizure, this bill will help unleash hospital price transparency in the state by providing hospitals with a significant financial incentive to comply with the federal price transparency rule. It can make Colorado a national leader in pro-consumer healthcare reform. 

Image Source: Wiki Commons


PRA Calls on HCA Hospitals to Follow Transparency Laws


New Survey shows the American People continue to want Healthcare Price Transparency